Product Spotlight - TYENT Water Ionizers

This week's Green product is Pittsburgh Alkaline Water's flagship product, the Water Ionizer!
Four years ago, I had no dea what a water ionizer was. It's amazing how things change! My first experience was at the Crawford County Fair, where I came across a booth promoting Enagic brand water ionizers. I was certainly intrigued and spent the next 6 months researching water ionization to determine #1 if I thought the concept was legit and #2 which brand offered the best overall purchase. As you might imagine, I arrived at the decision that it was in fact "legit" and that Tyent was the brand for me, and, indeed, should be the brand for most. This post will be pretty in-depth, and it is my goal to offer a whole host of links to help people better make up their minds about water ionization and the Tyent brand. I have hundreds (thousands?) of hours invested in research, and I'd like to save you that time by sharing what I've found in a relatively concise format. So, even if this post seems a bit daunting, trust me, it's better than the alternative. I will also create headers for various, informational sections to help readers navigate to areas of most interest. If you want to know more about ionized water, but don't want to invest too much time, I'd recommend you take a look at our Ionized Water Overview page.
Water ionizers are rapidly growing in popularity nowadays, but they are still completely foreign to most people. Even if you've heard of them or know that alkaline water is healthy, you may still be confused as to what they do and how they promote positive health. The video below, from TyentUSA, will help give an overview of Ionized Water, and I consider it to be a great introduction.
This video also has a great, visual, short presentation. It is for a different brand ionizer, but the general technology is nearly identical.
In short, water ionizers take your tap water and use electrified, polarized, metalic plates to both energize your water and separate its molecular compounds between those negatively and positively charged. This allows you to separate the alkaline, antioxidant water from the acidic, oxidizing water. It then releases those separated waters from two different outlets, one for alkaline water and one for acidic water.
Lost? I thought so. Let's break it down.
How Do You Ionize Water?
We all know water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, H20, right?. Well, kind of. What most people don't realize is that what we consider water is actually like a country line dance of hydrogen and oxygen do-si-doing constantly switching parnters. The reason we identify water as "H20" is that typically it averages a ratio of 2 Hydrogen atoms to 1 Oxygen atom. It's important to understand that what we call water is not strictly H20 in order to understand water ionization.
During ionization, the water undergoes electrolysis (applying an electrical charge to the water). Just like there are two prongs on an electrical plug one for the positive(+) charge and one for the negative(-) charge, there is a negative and positive charge placed on the water by the annode(+) and cathode(-) in the ionizer.
This has two major effects:
1. Restructuring Water Molecules
2. Separating Alkaline and Acidic minerals

Restructuring Water Molecules (Confusing part)
Whenever a positive charge is applied to water by the annode, electrons are stolen away from the molecules; the result is more hydrogen ions (H+) or hydronium (H3O) along with oxygen (O2). This higher concentration of positively charge hydrogen makes the water's pH acidic.
When applying a negative charge to the water via the cathode, electrons are donated to the molecules, creating hydroxide ions (OH-) and dyatomic hydrogen gas (H2). Being that hydrogen gas is neutral, and there is a higher concentration of negatively chraged hydroxide in the water, this creates an alkaline pH in the water as well as an anti-oxidant effect.
I know this is confusing, and I had to relearn it before writing it here. But the take away is that the electrolysis process changes water molecules to make them either acidic or alkaline.
Separating Alkaline and Acidic minerals (Less confusing part)
If you're like me, much of your childhood was spent playing with magnets, so, I'm sure you remember that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. It's the same here. The negatively charged cathode is going to attract the positively charged, alkaline minerals found in the water, like calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, causing them to congregate at the cathode, thus, helping to raise your water's pH. This results in higher concentrations of these alkaline, health-promoting minerals in your alkaline, ionized water.
Conversely, the positively charged annode will draw the negatively charged, acidic minerals like chlorine, fluoride, sulpher, and copper into the acidic stream, helping to make that water's pH more acidic. As previously stated, these two separate streams of water (acidic and alkaline) will be released through two different spouts, allowing you to drink the alkaline water and discard the acidic water (or use it for other purposes... more on that to come).
I'm happy to say that the most confusing part of water ionization is now out of the way!
A key element to any water ionization system is the quality of its filtration. It is claimed that drinking ionized water increases the aborbancy of most substances that go into your body with the water. The reason for this, I'm not absolutely certain of, but I suspect it mostly has to do with ionization of minerals and various other molecules increasing absorbability as well as a proliferation in beneficial gut flora due to antioxidant effects or a change in pH, which could more effectively break down nutrients into better abosrbable forms. Regardless, it is for this reason that it becomes very important to have water as free of toxins as possible. Otherwise, it could likely lead to an increased absorption of toxins into your body.

Even if ionized water did not increase absorption of toxins, we certainly do not want to be adding any additional amounts of heavy metals, pesticides, VOC's, pharmaceuticals, etc. into our bodies through our drinking water! Water toxicity is a very real problem, and it's especially concerning, when researchers report that 85% of fish caught in Pittsburgh rivers were genderless, due to high levels of estrogen in the water! Coal combustion in the area has also led to higher levels of mercury in our waterways. Needless to say, water filtration should be a major priority for everyone!
Better Filtration
Tyent's top-notch filtration is one of the primary characteristics that separates them from their competition. Independent lab results confirm that Tyent's Ultra Plus Filters remove nearly all contaminants from source water. Tyent's Ultra Plus Filters are .01 micron filters. The smaller the micron level, the more contaminants the filter can remove from the water, and it doesn't get much better than .01 micron! For instance, most Brita devices and refrigerators contain filters between 5 and 1 micron in size, that means Tyent's filters are potentially 100 to 500 times more effective than these alternatives! Utilizing .01 micron filters, the same kind used in kidney dialysis machines, Tyent is setting a standard that their competition just can't compete with.

Each Tyent ionizer utilizes two internal filters, 1 carbon filter and 1 ceramic filter. These filters have a combined volume of an incredible 144.8". In filtration technology, the greater the volume, the more filtration actually occurs. The long body of the Tyent filter means the water needs to travel a further distance through the filter, and therefore has greater contact with the filtering elements, resulting in more effective filtration.
The only other ionizer (that I know of) which provides .01 micron filtration, the Jupiter brand (displayed on the right), only has a volume of 102.28" (nearly 1/3 less than Tyent!) and is obviously much shorter. Other major ionizer brands filters are also a great deal smaller (Chanson (18.84"), KYK (120.1"), LIFE (71.14")), and even the most popular ionizer brand, Enagic, is at a paltry 48.08" at .5 micron.
I once had a salesman from Culligan approach me at a trade show (he was concerned about the compentition my ionizers were giving him), asking to see stats on my filters. After looking over the report on Tyent's Ultra Plus Filters, he raised his eyebrows and said, "These are as good as mine." These filters are as good as any you'll find!
Tyent filters will last up to 951 gallons. At 5 gallons a day, they'll last you 6 months; however, I find most families can get about 8-9 months on average out of a set. Filters should be changed every year, regardless of whether you have reached 951 gallons or not!
Now you can see why Tyent's filtration technology played such an important role in choosing their brand for myelf and my family!
Basically all ionizers administer electrolysis to water via metal plates. Here are a few keys to buying the most safe and effective ionizer.
Plate Size, Design, Quantity, & Quality
The amount of surface area provided by your ionizer plates is essential for maximal ionization of water; so, by having the most amount of surface area available for contact with water, you are able to better ensure superior ionization. Optimal surface area can be achieved through a combination of three measures.

Plate Size
Inherently, a larger object has greater potential for surface area. This is a pretty simple concept so we'll leave it at that.
Tyent plates are a nice, large size of 7"x4 3/4", giving the 11-plate ionizers a combined plate surface area of 385", the largest I've found!
Plate Design
Plate size is important, but so is maximizing the effectiveness of what you're working with. Historically there have typically been two plate designs used, solid and mesh
Solid Plates - are very sturdy, but fail to maximize electrical transfer and are therefore less effective at creating high pH and high anti-oxidant water.
Mesh Plates - Are designed to maximize surface area and electrical transfer.
Electricity tends to move toward points or edges (think of a lightning rod). The mesh design offers many more of these points for electricity to concentrate than do solid plates. This allows the mesh design to be very effective at facilitating high pH and high anti-oxidant water.
The down side of mesh plates is that they are not as resiliant as solid plates and have a greater tendency to clog with scale.
Tyent has offered the best of both worlds in it's Solid/Mesh Hybrid plates!
These plates give you durability and effective electrical transfer all at the same time!
Plate Quantity
Tyent was the FIRST company to offer an 11-plate residential ionizer!
Adding more plates quickly increases the surface area, allowing for the potential for greater ionization.
Plate Quality
When purchasing an ionizer, you must always look for one that utilizes platinum-coated, medical-grade titanium for its plates!
This is so important that all of the major ionizer brands utilize this, but cheap ionizers often neglect this crucial requirement.
Utilizing other, less stable, potentially toxic metals as the basis of your plates is DANGEROUS and could easily lead to poisoning. Quality ionizer plates are specifically formulated to do what they do!
When properly formulated, the platinum can even be a beneficial element for your health.
Platinum and medical-grade titanium are expensive! That's why these devices are an investment. But these materials are crucial for making sure your ionizer is safe and a healthy addition to your life!
Tyent's medical-grade titanium plates are dipped multiple times in platinum to ensure that they are fully covered and will truly last a LIFETIME!
This video does a pretty good job of summing up most of the points that I just covered.
Power Technology
I talked a lot about increasing surface area and conductivity for the most effective plates, but none of that matters if you don't have more power to push across said plates.
Traditionally ionizers were powered by PSU's with transformers. This made them bulky, heavy, and hot. Not only was overheating a potential concern, but there was no way to adjust the voltage with their linear PSU's. To change the degree of ionization, it was then necessary to change the rate of water flow. Believe it or not, those ancient times are still with us, as many popular ionizer brands still utilize forms of the transformer/PSU systems. SMPS (switched managed power supply) is a much newer technology found in common electrical devices like laptops and flat screen TV's. This technology is lighter, smaller, cooler, adjustable, and much more efficient. And with SMPS the computer in your ionizer will automatically change the power setting (rather than relying solely on flow rate) based on your selected water level. SMPS implementation is certainly becoming more common in ionizers, as it is definitely a better fit for this technology.

Even utilizing SMPS, many ionizers have not achived the high wattage required to deliver optimal ionization levels. In fact the highest wattage in a competitor's ionizer that I could find was 400 watts, with most offering under 300 watts. Tyent spent a year and a half designing it's new SMPS Plus technology, specially created for water ionizers and capable of delivering up to 750 watts of power!
Delivering so much power allows Tyent ionizers to take full advantage of having the largest plate surface area in the industry!
We've already covered most of the chemistry aspects of how the ionizer changes water composition, but now I'd like to touch on what that means in regard to pH.
What Is pH? (more confusing stuff)
pH stands for "potential hydrogen," and is essentially a measurement of the relative concentration of positive hydrogen (H+) atoms in a solution. The more H+ the lower the pH (more acidic). Conversely the less positive hydrogen (H+) and the more hydroxide (OH-) molecules the higher the pH (more alkaline).
pH is measured with the pH scale, which goes from 0 to 14. 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline. It's important to note that this scale is logarithmic, so every time you move by 1, it's x10. Example: going from a pH of 7 to a pH of 8 means the pH has increased 10 fold, but going from 7 to 5 means it's decreased 100 fold. You can see this represented below, as you go up the pH scale it changes by 10x each step.

pH & Health

I believe it's very crucial to keep in mind the logarithmic aspect of the pH scale when considering what we put in our body. For instance, Gatorade, soda, and other sugary drinks are typically about a 3 on the pH scale. This means that they are 10,000x more acidic than neutral. Since our blood must maintain a pH of around 7.4pH (slightly alkaline), even a slight deviatioin down to a 7pH could mean death. With acidic food/beverages placing such a drastic hit to our body's pH, it must be very difficult for our bodies to compensate and buffer such an acidic substance.
Fortunately we have life-saving protocols in place within our body. The first line of defense is our sodium bi-carbonate stores. In most natural situations, these stores would likely be enough to neutralize any harmful acids, but the highly acidic nature of processed food and our chemical-laden world, we quickly use up all of our stores. The body then resorts to plan B... stealing alkaline resources from around the body to neutralize the acid. Calcium is robbed from our bones (making them brittle and leading to osteoporosis), alkaline ammonia is attained by breaking down muscles (forcing them to waste away), and various alkaline minerals are stolen from connective tissue (retarding collogen production and reducing skin elasticity).
The protocols our body has in place do a great job at keeping us alive, but at a cost. Because the American diet, lifestyle, and environment is one that creates such great levels of acidity in the body, a condition known as metabolic acidosis is widespread and a likely cause of many common, adverse, health conditions. Although our body is usually resiliant enough to handle this condition in our youth, long-term acidosis increases in seriousness over time and brings with it many undesireable effects, especially as we get older. Acidosis can express itself in a wide array of ways, from fatigue to inflammation to even autoimmune diseases or cancer. Watch Dr. Robert Young, author of "The pH Miracle," address acidosis further in the interview below.
Tyent ionizers can be set to create water at nearly any pH level (both acidic and alkaline), but a 9.5pH is pretty ideal drinking water for most people. This means that by drinking 9.5pH Alkaline Ionized Water, you would be drinking water 500x more alkaline than neutral, and therefore helping to offset the acidic foods and beverages you've been injesting, the polluted air you've been breathing, and the acidity caused by stresses in your life.
We've all heard of antioxidants and know they're "good" for us, but few of us have any idea what they are good. So, how about a quick lesson on antioxidants.
What Are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are atoms or molecules that typically exhibit a negative charge and have an extra electron that they don't really need. Free Radicals are atoms or molecules that usually have a positive charge and really need another electron to make them balanced. Free Radicals will take electrons from other, unsuspecting atoms/molecules, changing their properties and possibly compromising their structure.

I like to think of it this way. Free Radicals are like a patient who desperately needs some medicine (electrons) to feel better. These Free Radicals are so sick that they would do anything for their medicine, and frankly, they are going a bit crazy. So they decide to rob another patient (atom/molecule) to get the medicine they so desperately need. Once they've gotten their medicine, they feel better and calm down; however, the patient they stole from starts to get aggitaged without their medicine and steals from another patient. This process will continue to repeat itself in perpetuity until an Antioxidant step in.
The Antioxidant is like a patient (atom/molecule) that has extra medicine, and is very willing to share. So when the Free Radical approaches the Antioxidant to steal his medicine, the Antioxidant freely gives it to him with his blessing, and both are happy and properly medicated. Kind of reminds you of Valjean and the priest in Les Miserables, doesn't it? Ok, maybe not.
Some of the most common examples given of oxidation caused by Free Radicals are how a apple turns brown once it's been cut in half, or how a car rusts. But Free Radicals aren't just a threat to our cars and produce, they can also be very destructive to health. By stealing electrons from important places within our cells, these oxidants are able to compromise the integrity of cell membranes, weaken the function of organs, or even damage our DNA. For reasons like these, Free Radicals have been linked to many (if not most) diseases we face, as well as aging.
Understanding ORP
ORP stands for Oxidation Reduction Potential and is a measurement for determining how oxidizing or antioxidant a fluid is. It does so by measuing the electrical charge of the liquid, thus determining the net positive or negative charge. The more positive the charge, the more oxidizing. The more negative the charge, the more antioxidant.

Most bottled beverages and tap water are moderately to severely potisitve (oxidating) on the ORP scale, while Ionized Water is extrememly negative (antioxidant). To give you a comparison, most oxidizing sodas are around a +400 to +500 ORP, while Tyent's 11-plate Ionizers can reach ORP levels of -1050 ORP!
Hydroxide Ions
Hydroxide ions (OH-) are a major component of the alkaline water flowing from an ionizer. This molecule is considered to be an effective antioxidant, especially at neutralizing the oxidizing effects of Radical Oxygen (O+), a very common and destructive Free Radical.
Molecular Hydrogen
Molecular Hydrogen (H2), also known as hydrogen gas, is another fantastic antioxidant found in Alkaline Ionized Water. It is so abundant that you can actually hear the hydrogen burning when a flame is placed under the flow of water.
Molecular hydrogen has gained a lot of popularity and is undergoing a great amount of study, due to recent evidence that of its positive effects on over 80 significant health issues, including: cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Obesity & Diabetes, Osteoporosis, chronic inflammation, cancer, and more.
Evidence is showing that H2, rather than Hydroxide Ions, is primarily responsible for Alkaline Ionized Water's high antioxidant rate and anti-inflammatory activity. The evidence is clear and overwhelming that molecular hydrogen is hugely impactful to the human body and therapeutic for each and every organ in the body. Much more information and insight into the workings of H2 can be found on the Molecular Hydrogen Institute's website.

Hydration, in general, is key to optimal health. Unfortunately, most people find themselves in a constant state of dehydration. We think that thirst or a dry mouth is the only sign that we need something to drink. However, this is a misconception, as our body will often times make saliva production a priority during times of dehydration, in hopes of promoting food consumption as a means to receiving hydration. Some other posible signs to look for are tiredness, impared cognitive function, constipation, headaches, dry skin, diziness, allergies & asthma, hypertension, and immune diseases. Studies have also shown that dehydration can greatly impact a child's ability to learn in school.
It's a common impression that water is merely a medium that floats in and around our cells. Dr. Batmanghelidj shows in his incredible book, "Your Body's Many Cries For Water," that water is so much more, and plays a critical role in nearly all chemical reactions in our body. This reliance on water explains why dehydration can cause a variety of the symptoms that doctors easily overlook as a simple need for water. I believe it's quite possible that often times the very glass of water we use to swallow a presribed pill has a more beneficial impact than the pill itself!

Due to the restructuring process water undgoes in the ionization process, ionized water tends to be much more absorbable because of its hexagonal structure and smaller cluster size. Tests performed with Nuclear Magnetic Imaging devices have shown that tap water molecules tend to cluster together in groups of about 16 molecules, whereas ionized clusters in groups of about 6, nearly 1/3 the size! This smaller size means more efficient diffusions of water molecules into cells, which are naturally comprised of this same form of hexagonal water and ultimately better hydration.
Hydration is immensly important to your health, and there's no doubt that ionized water is a very effective way of ensuring superior hydration.
Alkaline Ionized Water has a multitude of uses, from keeping cut flowers beautiful to cleaning car battery posts, but right now I want to tell you just a few of my favorite uses.
Besides drinking the water, my family uses our ionizer primarily for washing. Ionized water emusifies oil, which makes it great for cleaning dirt and grime. If you have an article of clothing that's looking a little dingy or a pan full of oil, soaking in Alkaline Ionized Water does an amazing job of getting things clean without the use of any chemicals.
Because it emulsifies oil, this water also does a fantastic job cleaning fruits and vegetables. Seriously, you won't believe it! Most people clean their produce in tap water to remove dirt, germs, and pesticides; however, when you compare these traditional methods with the Ionized Water method, you quickly realize how ineffective tap water is at cleaning produce.
Please watch the demonstration below. I will testify that this is no trick, it's absolute reality and the very reason that all our fruits and veggies are cleaned in Ionized Water. Warning: You can't unsee this!
We know that the ingestion of pesticides is harmful to health, but recent studies on the connection between pesticide exposure and austism/developmental delays certainly excentuates the points. In addition, adding an even greater impact to this enlightening demonstration is the fact that Alkaline Ionized Water has also been shown to be incredibly effective at disinfecting from bacteria. This means that both pesticides/herbicides and germs will be eliminated much more thoroughly with Alkaline Ionized Water as compared with the largely ineffective conventional means of washing.
Making Tea/Coffee
I've always disliked the smell of coffee, let alone the taste; so, it's not something we really drink in our house. Tea, on the other hand, is a very frequent beverage for us. Somehow the properties of the Ionized Water draw the flavor from the tea in a way that increases richness and dampens bitterness, while allowing us to reuse the same teabag nearly a dozen times to make several pots of healthy tea. Since I don't drink coffee, I had my cousin, who is a bit of a coffee aficionado and has worked at our family coffee shop for over a decade, do a taste test. When comparing coffee made with tap water to coffee made with alkaline ionized water, she said it was very clear that the tap water coffee tasted much blander compared to the ionized water coffee.
We know that coffee and tea are teaming with antioxidants; but, both can also be slightly acidic to your body. Brewing either with high-pH, antioxidant water is sure to give a healthy beverage an extra kick of goodness! Plus with the extra energy ionized water offers, going caffeen-free should not be an issue.
If you don't want to drink toxic, acidic water, why would you want to cook with it? When cooking with water, your food will absorb whatever is in the water. This is an important reason to cook with highly purified, alkaline water. Ionized water can also help bring out the flavor in your dishes, and help to raise the pH of the meal!
Acid water should not be consumed, but there are lots of other great ways to utilize it.
By far, our greatest use for acid water is cleaning. We love that it's a non-toxic, effective cleaner that is free of fragrance or fumes and kills 99% of germs. It's so effective that it has been utilized by the meat industry for sanitizing their products and has been adopted, in place of toxic cleaners, by this hotel.
When cooking a meal involving meat, animal products, or other potentially contaminated food, strong acid water can be especially useful for disinfecting your cutting board, utensils, and the rest of your kitchen.
We use acid water for cleaning all over our house; our bathrooms, our kitchen, our baby's toys... all cleaned with acid water with no chemicals or residue, just WATER! And if you need extra proof, Bill Nye will back up the science.
Skin Care
Our skin is meant to be slightly acidic. However, alkaline soaps and cleaners that are commonly used, throw off the pH balance of our skin. Acidity works as an astringent, to tighten the skin, as well as keep bacteria in check. So spraying some mild acid water on your body after a shower, or on your face throughout the day can be an awesome way to maintain a proper external pH and keep your skin at its best.
But don't think that Acidic Water can only effect slight cosmetic changes. This testimonial from Julie shows that huge impacts in skin health can be had with a bit of time.
Mouth Wash
Because acid water is so effective at killing germs and bacteria, it makes an awesome mouth wash. This is good news, since regular alcohol-based mouth wash has been linked to oral cancer! The acid water will do the job of giving you a nice, clean mouth.
I also have noticed, personally, that drinking Alkaline Ionized Water between a 9.5 and 10.5 pH also seems to help keep my mouth in tip-top shape, by killing bacteria and neutralizing acids. I just swish it around every so often before swallowing.
Watering Plants
Many house plants prefer acidic water to neutral or alkaline water. This tends to work out very well because any acidic water that would otherwise go down the drain can be salvaged for plant watering. Acid water can help prevent fungal or bacteria growth, giving your plant a much healthier environment. Please note that you should research your particular plant-type's preferenes on optimal pH before choosing what level water to give it.
Again this is a small sampling, but many more uses for both Alkaline and Acidic water can be found in this PDF and on this website.
The health benefits that can come from drinking Alkaline Ionized Water are legion, but below I will give some categories with links to trustworthy studies/journals/articles that demonstrate the advantage of Ionized Water.
Note: Alkaline Ionized Water is typically referred to as Electrolyzed Reduced Water (ERW) in scientific journals.
Anti-Diabetic Effect of Ionized Water in Type-1 & Type-2 Diabetes
Oxidative Stress
Neuron Health
These comprise a sampling of studies performed on the effects of Alkaline Ionized water. When you add the multitude of studies on Diatomic Hydrogen, as well as the anecdotal evidence, you can certainly see that Ionized Water is the real deal!
Lastly, to tie this into Green Month, I'd like to share some information on what makes switching to Alkaline Ionized Water such a benefit to our planet.
Tyent vs. Bottled Water

The bottled water industry has done a great job of selling their over-priced product to the public at large. Most Americans believe that it's a healthy, convenient solution, which is so commonplace that few raise an eyebrow at the price.
The fact is, that although bottled water may be a slight improvement over tap water, we really have very little idea where bottled water comes from or what's in it, since most companies choose not disclose such information. But the reality is that most bottled water is nothing more than filtered tap water.
Dr. Mercola covers this subject nicely, and I'd encourage you to check out his article on bottled water here. To summarize, bottled water companies are deceptive and secretive. Most of their waters still contain many toxins and pharmaceuticals, just as tap water does, as well as extra toxins leached from their plastic containers. All this at a premium cost of around 1,900x the price of the tap water they are sourced from.

Not only does bottled water not add much, if any, benefit compared to tap, but, it is also dramatically more wasteful! Consider the amount of energy that goes into producing the 50 Billion disposable water bottles consumed by Americans every year (17 Million barrels of oil per year). Then add to that the oil required to transport this water thousands of miles, all around the world. It wasn't all that long ago that the idea of selling bottled water to the general public at a premium would sound proposterous. But here we are!
Since tap water is so affordable ($.49/year in tap water = $1,400/year in bottled water) and a much more efficient way of attaining water, purifying and ionizing the water coming from your tap makes much more sense economically and ecologically. Using a reusable, non-toxic bottle, such as our GoodLife bottles is a great way to cut down on waste (38 Billion of these toxic, plastic water bottles end up in U.S. landfills each year). Not only that, but GoodLife bottles are made of 100% non-leaching, stainless steel, and are dual walled and vacuum sealed, meaning they keep cold things cold and hot things hot all day. Let's see your plastic water bottle do that! They are truly the most ideal container for keeping your ionized water fresh, and will work for any beverage you want to store.
Eliminating Toxins
Given that ionized water can so successfully improve health, it is hoped and expected that need for pharmaceuticals will be drastically cut down, if not eliminated. This in turn would result in less of these medicines turning up in our waterways. I believe pharmaceuticals have their place, but that place is not in those that have not been prescribed that medication, nor is it in the aquatic life that inhabit our waters.
Replacing toxic cleaners with Ioinized Water is another positive effect of switch to Alkaline Ionized Water. Cleaners usually find themselves going down the drain and polluting our land and water. It may seem like just a drop in the bucket for your family to make the change, but to quote Laozi, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
If you completed the entire journey that is this Product Spotlight, I thank you for your time! With how long it took you to read it, imagine how long it took to produce! I hope that I was able to save you many hours of research with the information I shared and linked to. I know I am thrilled with my Tyent Water Ionizer, and I'm sure you will be too!
"Tap" into "Health,"
- Steve