pureAir FRIDGE Makes it Easier Than Ever to go Vegan
According to a study by Ipsos Retail Performance, about 9.7 million Americans have become vegan since 2004. Vegans don’t eat meat,...

ShowOrb To The Rescue!
Is that the Death Star or some R2D2 type droid character? That would be cool, but no, it's our newest answer to toxic contaminants in...

Product Spotlight - Isagenix 30-Day Cleanse
It's not unusual for me to be approached by representatives of various health/nutrition companies wanting me to try, and ultimately sell,...

Product Spotlight - TYENT Water Ionizers
This week's Green product is Pittsburgh Alkaline Water's flagship product, the Water Ionizer! Four years ago, I had no dea what a water...

Product Spotlight - Kawaii Cloth Diapers
Pittsburgh Alkaline Water is happy to announce that we have a brand new line of healthy, green products from Kawaii Baby Diapers now...

Product Spotlight - SmartKlean Laundry Ball
In honor St. Patrick's Day, Product Spotlight's for the month of March will all be very GREEN (environmentally friendly) products! This...

Product Spotlight - Heart Health Month
February is almost over and I feel like I would be remiss if I did not create a special Product Spotlight in honor of American Heart...

Product Spotlight - Hand/Foot/Body Warmers
Brrrrrrrr!!! It's cold outside! In the North East, we might have thought winter was on its way out last week, but with -20 degree...

Product Spotlight - Female Energy
I have a confession to make. I am not a Female. I don't even play one on TV. But I am married to a [beautiful] woman and know several, so...

Product Spotlight - VitaShower
As a child I really disliked tap water. I still do as a matter of fact. Drinking a whole glass honestly made me feel ill unless it was...