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Our mission at Pittsburgh Alkaline Water is to supply products and information with the goal of promoting health in a world that is in great need of it. The average person is literally surrounded by chemical toxins throughout their entire day. We strive to make it easier to defend your home from dangerous chemicals in a time and cost-effective manner, while giving your body what it needs to maintain excellent health!



Pittsburgh Alkaline Water sells only the best ionizers; those made by Tyent USA. There are many great ionizers on the market; but with superior filtration, competitive pricing, the highest scores in the industry, and a LIFETIME Warranty, Tyent USA has really made a name for themselves!

Because health is more than just the water we drink, Pittsburgh Alkaline Water offers a myriad of products to encompass nearly all of the major avenues of toxicity within the home. Pittsburgh Alkaline realizes the importance of air purification, shower filtration, laundry detergent replacement, and toxic cleaner alternatives; they have researched the best, most cost-effective, and eco-friendly products to offer the customer.

  • Water Ionizers

  • Portable Alkalizers

  • Vitamin-C Shower Filters

  • Vitamin-C Bath Tablets

  • SmartKlean Laundry Ball

  • Air Purifiers

  • Humidifiers

  • Stainless Steel GoodLife Bottles

© 2020 by Pittsburgh Alkaline Health

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