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Product Spotlight - AirRestore

What's the first thing you do when you step outside? You probably don't ever realize it, but for most people, taking a deep breath is their first impulse when leaving the house. Why is this? Outside air certainly has a different quality to it that is clean, invigorating, and quite enjoyable. It's... FRESH!

When it comes to the air inside our homes, something is lacking. And perhaps its absence of freshness has become ordinary to the point that you don't notice or don't know better. When air is trapped inside your home, it becomes stale, loses its energy, and becomes polluted. It doesn't have the same level of constant chemical interactions that manifest outside and it's missing the crucial element of direct sunlight. This issues has become even greater in recent years, as home insulation has improved. Not only does insulation keep the hot and cold out, it keeps the toxins in, and restricts a cycling of fresh air moving through your home.

Nature cleans itself. And the air in nature is no different. Where do bad smells go when they get outside? Why don't you see a stream of dust and dander in a beam of sunlight outside, like you do inside? Why don't harmful pathogens live and multiply in fresh outdoor air the way they do in stagnant indoor air? The answer to all of these questions is that these elements dissipate and are broken down NATURALLY. What the AirRestore unit does is to energize your air and to help break down pollutants the way NATURE does!

Bill Converse is the inventor who created the AirRestore. Bill is well known figure in the air purification industry, being called to help tackle high-profile global air pollution issues. He is probably best known for inventing the industry-changing Alpine Air systems in the 1980's. His company, Alpine Industries, has sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of products and is one of the most recognizable brands in air purification. After retiring, Bill began to feel like retirement had stolen his purpose in life, and went back to the drawing board. This time he created a Brand New, revolutionary product that was just a fraction of the size!

The AirRestore is a little guy, but packs a BIG punch! At just 4.5 inches tall and about 5oz this purifier is unobtrusive and takes up no floor space! There are two models, one with a cord that frees you to set the AirRestore wherever you'd like, and the other with a built in plug on the back, which allows it to hang from the socket it is plugged in to. This unit can cover up to an 800 sq ft area and consumes only 3 watts of power on its highest setting. The AirRestore does not use filters, so there is virtually no extra costs associated with the unit.

What can the AirRestore do for you? Here are some great practical places for you AirRestore to clean things up!

  • Keeping your air clean in your key Restore Zones

  • Minimize mold/mildew growth in your bathroom

  • Eradicate cooking odors from the kitchen

  • Deodorize your car

  • Decrease snoring in the bedroom or freshen up your sheets

  • Increase alertness and cognitive function in your dorm room or office area

  • Kill off flu and colds before they can infect anyone else in your home/office

  • Eliminate pet odors (people won't even know you have pets!)

  • Stop smelly shoes in the tracks

  • Get things moving in your dank basement

  • & Much More!

The AirRestore can be bought as:

  • Single Systems (1 AirRestore) for $99

  • Studio Pack (2 AirRestores) for $180

  • Whole Home System (4 AirRestores + Car Power Adapter) for $370

If you get an opportunity, please watch this short video on Project AirRestore. Also, if you live in Pittsburgh, I'd be happy to offer you a few units to try in your home on a trial basis to see how you like them. I'm sure you'll quickly see what an incredibly simple and effective product the AirRestore is during your trial. If you would like more information or to order your AirRestore today, please check out my affiliate site at

One last thing!

I am not a huge fan of many MLM companies, but this one is an exception. This is a great company with a very low start-up cost, that allows you to make some extra money or even a career out of selling this great product. And AirRestore is just starting, they are expecting to begin expanding their line with more innovative products in the next few months. If you would like to learn more about becoming a AirRestore distributor, feel free to contact me and I'll walk you through the process!

Links to my AirRestore affiliate site, as well as my other air purification systems can be found here on my website.

Keep Things Fresh, Steve

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